
What We Do

Through its issuance of General License D-2, which authorizes an exemption to U.S. sanctions for discrete internet services, the U.S. government has taken action to support the free flow of information to and from the Iranian people.

This license is crucial as it helps keep Iranians online amid pervasive efforts of the Islamic Republic to censor and shut down the internet early and often when there is even a hint of protests being planned.

Project Constellation will offer a centralized platform for supporters of the Iranian people around the world to donate funds to send Starlink satellite internet terminals to facilitate communications and to keep them online. Based upon the best efforts of our confidential partners, UANI expects to achieve a high rate of Starlink systems successfully smuggled into Iran.

Funds donated on this site will be placed in a dedicated, segregated bank account that will be ring-fenced solely for Starlink satellite internet terminals for the Iranian people. Donate today.